21 Things I've Learned about Life

Last week I turned 21. It feels weird to say that openly on a public platform because I've always made an effort to hide my age. I've found that as soon as someone discovers how young I am, they no longer take me seriously. Every mention of an accomplishment or a future desire is met with "but you're so young!" "you don't understand yet" "just wait until you're older."

How silly is that? If anything, I feel proud of what I've already accomplished in my 21 years on this earth! I think even (*especially) young people have a lot to contribute to our collective understanding of life. You don't have to be 95 to have valuable wisdom and experiences to share! Anyhoo, I've been reflecting on what I've learned about life and thought I'd share some of my thoughts with you all! These are 21 things I've learned about life so far...

  1. Trust your instincts.

  2. It's ok (and totally normal) for your life to change direction many times.

  3. Life is too short to stay in places, relationships, or jobs you don't like.

  4. No amount of money is worth hating what you do. Chase your dream career.

  5. It's your responsibility and privilege to design your life. Make it one that you're excited to live every day.

  6. Fill your life with memories instead of possessions.

  7. Time alone will teach you more about yourself than anything else. Live alone, travel alone, go to dinner alone.

  8. You never know what someone else is going through so you might as well be kind.

  9. Time to rest is just as important as being "productive."

  10. You only get one body, take care of it.

  11. Mental health is just as important as physical health.

  12. Be mindful of the social media you consume, it has a bigger impact on you than you may think.

  13. Learning a new language is never a bad idea.

  14. You are never too old or too young to try something new.

  15. Travel as much as you can.

  16. You do not owe anyone an apology or an explanation for how you choose to live your life.

  17. Take pictures and write things down. You'll appreciate the occasional walk down memory lane.

  18. Life tends to feel the most stressful/overwhelming right before something amazing happens.

  19. Make friends with people who are nothing like you.

  20. No emotion is inherently "good" or "bad." Feel them all.

  21. Lose yourself and redefine yourself as many times as you want.

What have been your most meaningful life lessons?


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